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Why Join Light Circle

Most people want success, so we created a universe to give busy people the knowledge and mindset to live the beautiful life they deserve.

Apply For Membership

"The best way to predict exponential progress is to actively participate in shaping it within a mastermind community."

- Mark Yegge 

Personal Growth Workshops

Dive deep into growth-centric topics with our curated workshops and weekly learning sessions where we explore best practices in the 6 key areas of our lives. Led by Mark Yegge, experts and community leaders, get hands-on experience and insights tailored for your holistic development.

Exclusive Member Content

Unlock a wealth of resources, from insightful articles to engaging videos to courses exclusively crafted for Light Circle members. Delve into principles like Pure Relationships and Magical Self-Connection, bringing more clarity and inspiration to your journey.

One-on-One Mentoring & Coaching

​Connect with experienced mentors and receive personalized guidance. Whether you seek direction in personal pursuits or spiritual endeavors, our mentoring program ensures you're never alone in your quest.


Forge meaningful connections with like-minded souls. From virtual meetups to face-to-face gatherings, expand your network in a space that champions growth in all aspects of life.


Retreats & Immersive Experiences

Join us for member-only retreats, where relaxation meets transformation. Whether it's a weekend getaway or an intensive week-long session, rejuvenate your spirit and mind with fellow members.

Exclusive Member Discounts

​Enjoy special offers from our partnered businesses. From wellness centers to curated bookstores, elevate your journey with exclusive deals tailored for Light Circle members.

Interactive Discussion Platforms

Engage, discuss, and explore in our members-only forums. Share your experiences, seek advice, or simply connect with peers on topics close to your heart.

Curated Resource Library

Access a vast collection of hand-picked resources. Books, articles, and multimedia content await, guiding you deeper into the realms of spirituality and personal growth.

Skill Sharing Sessions

Learn from fellow members or share your expertise. From masterclasses to informal knowledge-sharing sessions, continuously evolve and grow within our community.

"Believe in the power of a mastermind group, and you're halfway to unlocking your full potential." 

- Mark Yegge 

Join us on your own path to greatness with Light Circle


Spotlight Features

Be inspired by fellow members' journeys, showcased regularly. Witness the transformative power of the community and celebrate the achievements of peers.

Collaborative Initiatives

Unite with members on shared projects, aligning with Light Circle’s principles. Experience the joy of co-creation and collective achievement.

Wellness Activities

Rejuvenate with our range of wellness offerings, including meditation sessions and yoga classes. Align your mind, body, and soul within the community.

Special Interest Groups

Connect deeper with affinity circles catering to unique interests, such as artistic endeavors or entrepreneurship. Find your tribe within the larger community.

Feedback & Support Channels

Share your aspirations or challenges and receive constructive feedback. Our supportive community is always here to guide, uplift, and encourage.

Member Directory

Discover and collaborate with members via our directory. Whether you seek expertise or simply wish to connect, our community is at your fingertips.


Unlock a World of Growth and Connection

Joining Light Circle is more than just membership; it's a commitment to self-improvement, community, and a brighter, more connected future. Are you ready to illuminate your journey? Join us today.




Unlock Your Financial Freedom Through the Strength of a Supportive, Like-Minded Community


Imagine having access to a proven shortcut and a comprehensive blueprint for unlocking the abundant financial life you desire...

Rapid Progress Navigator

Begin your journey to financial freedom with lightning speed using our Light Circle Journal and Planner—a powerful budgeting and goalsetting instrument meticulously designed to ensure your success.

Immediate Mentorship

Within our exclusive, confidential community, gain instant entry to seasoned mentors and a community who will guide you, enabling you to not only meet but exceed your objectives.

Achieve Monumental Success Through Accountability

We orchestrate strategic introductions, allowing you to collaborate with other accomplished, high-performance members of our community. This catapults you toward financial liberation and the attainment of holistic wealth—nurturing your spirit, body, and relationships.

Allow me to reveal my personal journey to financial freedom and the revolutionary concept of the full-life Virtuoso—where your wealth transcends mere financial riches and encompasses the full spectrum of being YOU, including your spirit, physical wellbeing, and relationships. Together, we will meticulously explore every facet of triumph, master them one step at a time, and empower you to dictate life on your terms.

1. Take Command of Your Finances


2. Empower Your Mindset
3. Embrace Accountability for Triumph
4. Forge Streams of Passive Income
5. Nurture Lifelong Connections


6. Embrace and Flourish in Your Optimal Life

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with Light Circle." 

Put an End to Time-Wasting Stagnation in Your Business, Career, or Life...



Once you become a member, you'll gain access to the essential toolkit, mindset, and winning formula, surrounded by the ideal environment and a community that ensures you stay committed to constructing the extraordinary life you've always aspired to.

Discover What Our Community Can Empower You to Achieve...

1. Master the art of creating multiple income streams.

2. Transform your mindset for success, investing just 2-3 hours a week.

3. Leverage the strength of accountability to propel yourself to triumph.

4. Cultivate your character, elevate self-confidence, and foster enduring, meaningful relationships.

5. Get on the path to balanced abundance, youthful health and a life full of freedom.


Membership Levels 

"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it."

-H.E. Luccock 

Are You Prepared to Break Free from the Daily Grind and Embrace the Life You Truly Deserve?

Much like yourself, countless individuals worldwide, spanning different ages and backgrounds, share a common yearning for MORE in LIFE, yet they often struggle to find the path forward. You might dream of attaining millionaire status, but the turbulent tides seem unrelenting. Perhaps you aspire to enhance your well-being, reach uncharted pinnacles of success, or strengthen your bonds with your spouse, children, or friends. And it's quite possible that you're in search of NEW COMPANIONS who radiate POSITIVITY, recognize the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL in others, and readily seize life's countless OPPORTUNITIES as they arise.


Reserve a Free Discovery Call with our dedicated team below, and they will elucidate the inner workings of our Light Circle Mastermind. If they discover that you're genuinely poised to transcend the customary excuses and take decisive action, they'll extend a coveted invitation to join our exclusive Light Circle Community.


"The only person you are destined to become in a mastermind community is the most empowered, inspired version of yourself." 

- Mark Yegge 



What makes Light Circle unique

  • SUPPORT: Gain wisdom from mentors and peers who've already walked your path. Access an entire community passionately invested in your triumph.
  • EMPOWERMENT: Experience genuine empathy and camaraderie from fellow growth-oriented high achievers, ensuring you never feel isolated on your journey.
  • ELEVATION: We're here to propel you to greater heights, challenging your boundaries and inspiring you to surpass them.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Bid farewell to excuses; it's as straightforward as that. • DISCOVERY: Immerse yourself in thrilling events held 2-3 times a year at luxurious destinations around the world, forging deeper bonds and amplifying your momentum.
  • FULL-SPECTRUM SUCCESS: Prioritize your well-being, nurture relationships, and make a meaningful impact as you evolve into the finest version of yourself through our comprehensive curriculum and masterclasses. IMMERSIVE LEARNING: Learn key life skills from the best of the best, who have spent years delivering to you best practices, keys, strategies, tactics and acceleration tips for your success.

"A strong community doesn't always require constant togetherness; as long as the relationships are built on trust, understanding, and mutual support, the strength will prevail."

- John Rampton 

At Light Circle, We Embrace Your Potential

We hold firm in the belief that anyone, armed with the right tools, mentors, and resources, possesses the capacity to craft a life that exhilarates and ignites their passion. We also recognize that unsupportive surroundings can stifle our progress. We're convinced that you can attain everything you desire, that unity amplifies our strengths, that elevating others elevates us, and that equilibrium and fulfillment across all aspects of life are well within reach. The journey to success, we believe, can be both profound and delightful. A single call is all that separates you from a complete transformation of your life.


You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. “ Jim Rohn



Light Circle events are life-changing experiences that combine adventure, learning, and epiphanies. You are guaranteed to experience something that you have never experienced before.

A Financial Freedom Plan:

Build Wealth with Confidence: Step into a life where financial constraints don’t dictate your choices. With our comprehensive financial freedom plan, learn effective wealth-building strategies, investment insights, and money management skills tailored to align with your aspirations and lifestyle.

A Health Blueprint:

Cultivate Youthful Vitality: Embrace a life brimming with energy, vitality, and wellness. Our health blueprint offers personalized strategies focusing on nutrition, exercise, and mental health, ensuring each day is a step towards a more radiant and youthful you.

A Travel and Experiences Destiny List:

Explore, Experience, Enlighten: Awaken the wanderer within, with your own curated list of travel and experiences destined to enrich your soul and broaden your perspectives. Plus join us on our life-changing trips. Each journey is meticulously crafted to ensure not just a change in geography but a profound transformation within.

A Relationship Designer:

Forge Pure Connections: Elevate the quality of your relationships to new heights. Our relationship designer tool offers insights, exercises, and strategies to deepen connections, enhance communication, and foster love and understanding in your personal and professional relationships.

Mastery of Your Time:

Command Your Moments: With our unique approach, master the art of time management. Prioritize, strategize, and organize your life to ensure that every second is a step towards fulfilling your deepest desires and loftiest goals

Profound Connection with Your Own Spirituality:

Embark on a Spiritual Odyssey: Experience a soulful journey to connect deeply with your inner self. Explore diverse paths of spirituality, meditation, and mindfulness to discover a peace and purpose that transcends the mundane and touches the magical.

Communication & Relationships:

  • Communication
  • Human Relations
  • Empathy
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Teamwork

Business & Career Skills:

  • Negotiation
  • Business
  • Sales
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Networking

Financial Wellness:

  • Organization
  • Money Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Passive Income Creation
  • Investment Strategies
  • Tax Planning


  •  Travel and Experiences Destiny List
  • Continuous Learning
  • Profound Connection with Your Own Spirituality

Personal Mastery & Self-Improvement:

  •  Self-Discipline
  • Goal Setting
  • Motivation
  • Self-Awareness

Creativity & Innovation:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Adaptation to Change
  • Innovative Mindset

Emotional Intelligence:

  • Emotional Regulation
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Empathetic Listening

Health & Lifestyle:

  • Physical Activities
  • Healthy Eating
  • Mindfulness Practice

Personal Development & Well-being:

  • Life Planning
  • Meditation
  • Nutrition
  • Wellness
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Time Management
  • Resilience
  • Stress Management

Professional Skills:

  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Creativity

Home & Family Management:

  • Parenting Skills
  • Home Budgeting
  • Family Planning

Light Circle - A Beacon of Transformation

Through Light Circle, every aspect of your life is touched by the lights of growth, wisdom, and profound connections. It’s a balanced journey from where you are now – to where you want to be: YOUR BEST SELF.

Every Member’s Odyssey Includes:

Guided Curriculum: Personalized learning paths tailored to foster growth in health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality.

Nurtured Thoughts & Plans: Every thought, every plan is sacred - cultivated with wisdom, nurtured with care, and destined for fulfillment.

Holistic Transformation: A synergy of the tangible and the ethereal, promising not just achievements but a transcendental journey of the soul.

Your Journey from the Mundane to the Magical Begins Here.

Step into Light Circle – Where Lives are not just Lived but Illuminated.

"Don’t live the same day over and over again for 75 years and call it a life."

- Robin Sharma


Anyone unhappy with their current finances OR

Anyone who wants to be in better shape OR

Someone who wants to have an awesome relationship(s) OR

Anyone who wants to approach life more spiritually OR

Someone who is open to learning and growing OR

A person who wants better connections with others OR

Anyone who would like to travel more OR

Someone who wants more freedom

**Note: you must have a verifiable net worth over $100,000 if single; or $250k with spouse



People who don’t want more out of life

Someone who doesn’t want to invest in themselves

People who want a “free lunch”

People who don’t want to make the time to create a dream life

Someone who is always looking for someone to blame (plays the victim)

Someone who resents people who are successful

(If you are someone like this, you will not fit into our group so please do not apply)

How Will Your Life Change?

"Reaching goals doesn’t HAVE to be hard, but it should be FUN!."

- Mark YeggeÂ